for Empaths, Healers and Sensitives


I’m Craig Rigsby.

If you’ve found me here, you’re probably energetically sensitive, highly empathic, or even a natural born healer.

And that can leave you feeling ungrounded and thrown off balance by other people’s emotions, the energy in the room,  or even the chaos of the world.

Life can feel overwhelming.

The good news is:

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Instead of being pummeled by your sensitivity, there’s a way to ride the wave of it - so you can feel vibrant, creative, resourced and energized.  

All the tools you’ll need to start living life in the flow instead of in overwhelm, are right here...


Free Resources

Unleash your energetic potential and foster a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and dive into these resources to embark on a path of positive transformation and empowerment.


 Free Video

5 Minute Chaos to Calm

My proven energetic process to get you back in control and able to handle any stress.


Free Guide

6 Steps to Turn Your Empathic Sensitivity into a Superpower

Go from feeling pummeled by life to creating the life you want using the energetic roadmap that took me years to discover.


 Free Meditation

20 Minutes to Deep Peace - The Inner Smile Meditation

A guided meditation to unlock the smiling, calm energy that already lives within you.


I've been where you are.  

Feeling lost and knocked around by life. I spent years getting thrown off balance - physically and emotionally - by the people and the energy around me; years experiencing overwhelm and depletion. In fact, I got so taken out by my energetic sensitivity that I ended up with a debilitating chronic illness. 

But I was able to climb out of it.


I discovered and synthesized a powerful set of tools that pull you safely out of the white water of emotional fatigue and exhaustion, and into a deeper experience of life… where you’ll feel alive in your body. Connected to and aligned with your own inner compass.

Want to find out how your unique sensitivity fits into this equation?

Let's Get Started

In my decades as a transformational guide, energy healer and acupuncturist, I’ve helped thousands of people reclaim their vitality and feel alive again.

Welcome to my virtual space.

Dive In And Stay A While!

Stay Connected.